Contrary to what the majority believes, anger is a normal and healthy emotion. It is not good or bad. Anger conveys to you a message that the situation is threatening , upsetting, or unjust. If your most immediate reaction is to explode, this means that the message didn’t have the chance to be transmitted. It is normal to be angry when you think you have been wronged or mistreated. It only becomes a problem when anger is expressed in a way that can harm yourself or others. This is when you need the services of professional counseling like Life Supports Counselling.

Effects of Anger

Chronic anger that tends to get out of control may have serious consequences on physical health, mental health, career, and relationships. Since you are most of the time in a stressful state, you tend to become susceptible to heart ailments, a weakened immune system, high blood pressure, and insomnia.

Chronic anger may also cloud your judgment since it uses up a lot of your mental energy. This makes it challenging to concentrate or enjoy life. This may also result in depression, stress, and other mental health issues.

Remember that exploding in anger by lashing out to your colleagues, friends, clients, etc. may affect the way these people look at you. This is different from  creative differences, constructive criticism, and heated debate, which can be healthy.

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Anger may also cause scars in the people you love, and it creates relationship problems at work and in the family. Because of your explosive anger, it may be difficult for others to trust, speak honestly to you, and simply be comfortable. It is particularly damaging to the children.

Negative Thought Patterns That Trigger Anger

Anger is less likely influenced by external factors like insensitive words or actions from people or frustrating situations. However, it is more of how you interpret and think about what happened. The most common anger-fueling negative thinking patterns which can be corrected by Life Supports Counselling are the following: overgeneralizing, mind reading and resorting to conclusions, blaming, making mountains out of mole hills, and being obsessed over musts and shoulds.

Learn How to Cool Down Fast

By being aware of the warning signs of your anger and able to anticipate the triggers, you can deal with the anger efficiently before it goes overboard. These are some steps you can take to cool down and manage your anger:

You may focus only on the physical sensations of anger. Taking deep breaths could help you relax as well. Get moving by taking a walk to help you approach the situation with a much cooler head. You may also use all your other senses to relieve yourself of the stress and allow you to cool down. You may also massage your neck and scalp and even roll your shoulders.