Dealing with water damage, mold, and other property damage can be a headache. From the moment you find out about the problem, to the time it is fixed, you are likely to have many concerns running through your mind. You probably will not be thinking about how to clean it up, but that is perhaps the most important issue. If you do not clean up properly, you may find yourself with long term mold problems or other contaminants that can cause more problems down the line. So, should you do water damage cleanup yourself or hire a professional?
Mold Removal
Mold removal is going to be the biggest thing you have to deal with when dealing with water damage. Mold spores can spread very quickly, and some are even airborne. If you do not remove them, they may spread to other rooms in your home and cause more problems. The best way to remove mold is to hire a professional mold remediation company. Many of these companies will send a team out that will use a variety of techniques and equipment that is necessary for mold removal.
The process will likely take a while, and you may be present during the cleanup. However, mold removal services are very good at what they do so the process should not take too long. They may also charge a fee for their services, but this should cover their costs for ensuring that you have eliminated all of the mold in your home and that it does not return.
Water Damage Cleanup
Water damage can be hard to clean up by yourself, but there are several ways that you can tackle this problem on your own as well. You should be able to tackle this problem in many different ways. First you may have to test the water to determine whether it is safe to drink or not. This can entail putting some of the water through a filter and then testing it with a container that is designed for testing. If there is no real risk, you may still decide to use bottled water for drinking, but when cooking or bathing, you may find that it is best to use boiled water instead.
Many water damaged properties will have to use bottled water for a while, but once the damage is cleaned up, you can use a simple method of cleaning and drying that will remove the majority of the water and prevent mold problems. Mopping can take care of a lot, but it is not as effective as soaking up the water. You should be able to find mops that are designed for cleaning up water damage, and some even have special textured pads that are designed to help trap moisture.