The british council school singapore is a global classroom for the future. We offer an exceptional international education to students aged 3–18, based on the English National Curriculum. We are made up of two schools, the British Primary School and the British High School, which work together to support our vision of ‘Education for Life.
Tour of the facilities
The British Council operates many schools and academies (public-sector schools) around the world. They invited me to tour one of their newest schools, the London Academy of Excellence. The british council school singapore is a bit different. Its students are all British citizens who have been educated at home by teachers selected and paid by British Council schools. They return to England, usually after high school, and spend a year at the Academy. They learn English for a year, take courses (English, mathematics, science, art, and physical education), and study history, geography, and languages.
This school was the creation of the British Council. They wanted it to provide British students with a good education at home and to offer talented high school graduates a chance to go to England to study for a year. The Academy’s facilities are nice. Each student has a room or suite of rooms, and there are kitchens, dining rooms, study rooms, and movie rooms. The Academy also has a sports facility and photo and TV studios. The students (about 200 a year) live at the school, and the school also has a housing facility (for parents) and a hotel (for visitors to London). The students spend much of their time at school, but they can relax in London when they are not studying or training.
The Academy’s students are almost all 17-18 years old and are not yet adults. But many of the teachers have bachelor’s or master’s degrees, and many are qualified to teach at the secondary school level. The school is financed partly by the British Council and partly by the British government.
Understand the process of applying
The process of applying for admission of their child to a school is fairly easy. One can seek the advice of the school’s principal or headmaster, who will guide one in applying. The school website is very useful. Just visit some school websites, and one will be guided in the application process. The school website contains all the necessary information for the process of application. The school will furnish one with the application form. Fill it carefully and attach the necessary documents.
Their school report is very important for the process of admission. Please make a note of all the achievements their child has achieved during their school years. This will help one in the application process. The application form, the school report, past achievements, and other requirements like certificates, mark sheets, etc., are required to be submitted with the application form. The school will verify all the documents submitted. Once all is verified, the school will notify one regarding the result of the admission. If their child has successfully got admission, one will have to pay the fees.